The WCWGA subscribes to the USGA rules except where modified by local rules.
All score cards must be scored correctly, dated, attested, and signed with two players’ full name (one player from each cart).
Every member should carry a current USGA rule book or have access to the USGA rules online.
Every member should either have their GHIN from a participating WCWGA club or participate in a league of a participating WCWGA club and have an approved handicap or join as an Associate Member with an approved handicap.
Code of Conduct
Any of the following actions by members of WCWGA at a WCWGA tournament constitutes a violation of the Code of Conduct. Any member who fails to comply with the Code of Conduct, may have their membership revoked and forfeit their membership fee.
Unsportsmanlike conduct including abusive language, cheating, disrespect to staff or fellow competitors or abuse of golf course property.
Failure to act with integrity that is being honest in all aspects of play.
Failure to show consideration for others.
- For example, not playing at a proper pace or distracting the play of another player.
Failure to treat host golf course with respect by ignoring the responsibility of caring for the course.